prozac snorted

prozac snorted
How soon can Prozac be detected by blood.
What would happen if i snorted prozac?.
snorted - as stupid as it sounds - was a Prozac pill I snorted for some odd reason back in would go to the uber-concentrated muck that is the inner workings of a Nyquil
Taking Nyquil and Prozac - Reviews - Page.
12.09.2008 · Best Answer: Some of it, about 60% or so would make its way down to your stomach and would be digested in the same way as swallowing it. The rest would be
I recommend you take Prozac first for a while to get those enzymes inhibited, then start on Wellbutrin. I have actually snorted Wellbutrin and taken it orally, on
prozac snorted
Ballpoint Wren: Prozac Summer Prozac Nation (2001) - Memorable quotes
Erowid Experience Vaults: Fluoxetine.

i had a friend who used to snort his prozac, and told me i should try it. but does it have any recreational value even if snorted? Can Snorting Prozac Damage My Nasal.
Things to Snort
Prozac or Wellbutrin.. - Social Anxiety.
Elizabeth: Sometimes it feels like we're all living in a Prozac nation. The United I guess I snorted some coke and smoked some pot but uh, you know, that was just to
Prozac Summer. It'd been a bad day. "Didi," I said, holding my head in my hands, "I think I need to go on Prozac." "You? On Prozac?" She snorted, wiping a speck of dust
14.02.2013 · I snorted a 20 mg prozac like 2 weeks ago and it didn't do anything to me except it hurt really really bad and burned my throat for hours, like 12 hours
How soon can Prozac be detected by blood test? anything really if you are drunk if you shot up herion or snorted coke anything even
I figured, I had snorted cocaine and Xanax, what could be wrong with Prozac? So I took apart the pill and was surprised at the amount of powder that came out of the pill.
Can Methadone Be Snorted